

Available seveval models of field penetrometers:

  • Dynamometric ring penetrometers: for measuring static penetration
  • Proctor Penetrometers: for measurement of the degree of compaction of a soil sample
  • DCP and lightweight dynamic penetrometers: for determining the geomechanical properties of road pavement layers.
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Available seveval models of field penetrometers:

  • Dynamometric ring penetrometers: for measuring static penetration
  • Proctor Penetrometers: for measurement of the degree of compaction of a soil sample
  • DCP and lightweight dynamic penetrometers: for determining the geomechanical properties of road pavement layers.
  • Proctor penetrometer
  • Dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP)
  • Proving ring penetrometer
  • Lightweight dynamic penetrometer


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