Submersible Pump Stainless Series

Submersible Pump Stainless Series

Due to the impressive visual quality of smooth steel surfaces and since steel surfaces remind of outstanding engineering works, these are new generation products which create a perception of high quality.

These is the cutting-edge technology pumps series which is sought after more day by day and the price of which is expected to fall to the level of noryl and cast iron pumps in terms of initial investment cost.

They are preferred for their light structure and high efficiency. Their total purchase price is low in terms of the advantage they provide for energy consumption. They need less levels and lower horse power for the same level of pressure. The smaller size of the motor is an additional factor effective in lowering the purchase price.

It can be safely used in hot water applications and projects for potable water which require hygiene.

IMPO Submersible Pump Stainless Series are made of stainless steel and designed to work properly for long years. All parts except for wear ring, diffusor bearing, o-ring and spacer bushing are made of stainless steel (AISI 304).

IMPO Submersible Pump Stainless Series offers highly efficient options among the wide range of series.

Pump efficiency is a factor generally neglected when compared with the price. Besides, the efficiency of the pump creates huge differences in total cost in connection with power consumption and maintenance during the life of the pump as noticed by the users in time. Submersible Pump Stainless Series offers the optimal option in terms of total investment cost thanks to its efficiency.

Since stainless steel is light, this means ease of use, low equipment cost, quick installation and service periods. Additionally, the Submersible Pump Stainless Series stay brand new after maintenance and service since they hardly get worn out.

Areas of Application

  • Agricultural, municipal, industrial, domestic use, and widely used in mining areas.
  • Where water pressure is needed,
  • To draw water from tanks, basins or ponds and wells,
  • Pumping and aerial distribution of various types of liquid material,
  • Autoclave and water tank entrances,
  • Fountains,
  • Irrigation systems,
  • Lawn and garden irrigation,
  • Sprinkler and drip systems,
  • Greenhouses and nurseries,
  • Water supply for country houses, farms and cottages, ,
  • Sea platforms,
  • Treatment plants,
  • Chemical and mining industry,
  • Food industry,
  • Fire-fighting activities,
  • Solar applications,
  • Washing facilities.



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